Unable to get reasoning out of Ernestine the duo followed her back not being able to go to where they had planned to go lay low.

Alan had run off and Teddy and Emilie didn't know what to make of it because he had just excused himself and then didn't even go as far as showing up after that.

"Hey man, some things are beginning to make sense now," Alan said.

"What could that be man?", Ryan asked.

" Ernestine is working with Teddy and Emilie and also it's kike they owe Ernestine some high amount of money" Alan explained.

"Damn Ernestine is sure shady I think we should never have fired her from the office" Ryan cried out lowly.

"Well, what do we do? Because without her at your office I don't know how else I would be able to ask her out and make her trust me" Alan said.

"You are the detective you should be able to have everything planned out man," he said and his friend looked at him for a minute.

"How about I just follow her around and also just make sure she is flattered by me" Alan expla
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