Entry 174

The clash was like no other.

After learning about the Headmaster coming for them, Jason and Philip prepared an ambush.

The Headmaster was right when he said Philip had absorbed the essence of the Dreamer.

Due to that absorption, he had shed his mortal coils and embraced his monstrous side without any fear.

The Dreamer was a creature capable of pulling humans into dreams but for Philip it was slightly different.

He was able to rewrite the fabric of reality, blurring the lines between the dream world and reality.

A terrifying power he used to the best of his ability at this point.

Using the tunnels as a backdrop, he created a maze with an elaborate structure and advised Jason to have the Vampires hide in wait for their prey.

A brilliant plan, considering they had the upper hand.

They would be able to spot the humans from a distance considering they’d be moving with torches but the Vampires managed to blend into the darkness.

All that was required now was to wait and all would work out w
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