The Grand Banquet

What world is this?

The players have the same question in mind. They were caught in limbo just when Lizie's fire exploded. And when everything subsided, they find themselves in an unfamiliar world. Everything around them was covered with snow but the odd thing is it isn't cold. There were unusual futuristic architectures and out-of-this-world vehicles. The players noticed that they were standing in a port. They saw the vast water in front of them and a narrow pointed lighthouse in a distance. Minutes after a yacht came to the port and fetch them. Though reluctant and confused the players hop in. Now, what's attending to them are no longer robot machines but as what Carsen sees they were human flesh.

Maybe humans trained for this. Carsen thinks.

They wore black combat suits, with weapons in their hands. They wore masks that expose only their eyes, and there is also a uniform barcode tattoo on the back of their neck. They all have the same haircut and the same body built. All the whi
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