The morning of the court appearing, Mr. Prime woke up very happy as he was finally going to recover all his father’s lost properties. He wore his best suit and wore the same colour of suit on Junior as himself.

He entered his red jeep with his wife Mrs. Precious seating beside him and Junior seating at the back seat as they zoomed off with their guards and securities following behind.

They drove and when they got to the court premises, the press were all over the place asking so many questions, he dropped from his car as he walked majestically holding the hands of Junior by his left and the hands of his wife by his right hand side as they approached the press, the press tried asking them few questions but Mr. Prime’s security men were shading them from touching him.

Mr. Prime asked them to stop so that he would answer few of their questions; they asked him how he discovered that his uncle Mr. Sam was the one who paid for the assassination of his parents and sisters.

He told them that,
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