Chapter 42
(Married To The Devil.)

The palm trees were close and the leaves weaved over and under each other, like the dry straws used to craft a basket.

So were Jatray's thoughts woven in despair, as she lifted Journey from the back seat of her car and the girl's head rolled back and slanted over her elbow.

Jatray knew as she carried Journey down the path.

Izzy followed behind her and Jatray's sharp ears heard her teeth crunching nervously into each nail.

Kimmy opened the door as Jatray approached.

"Good evening."

She said. There was curiosity hidden behind her eyes.

Which was understandable, because she wasn't accustomed to seeing Jatray bringing strangers here. Especially, holding one so close.

"Good evening Kimmy. Can you put some tea on, something extra sweet to calm the nerves?"

She looked at Kimmy and Kimmy nodded.

"Also get the First Aid Kit and meet me upstairs."


Kimmy replied.

Jatray didn't fly up to the second floor as she did sometimes.

It was not a human thing to do. Ins
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