Chapter 48

Hercules divided the low branches with his hands.

Behind Dahlia's Inn, there was a jungle of dry twigs.

He went to a place where the darkness was heavy and lit a cigarette. He could see the grey tail of the smoke curling into the sky.

He finished that and lit another, as he was preoccupied with other things.

Specifically, Buttercup.

Buttercup was not lacking in confidence; he could see it in her. She simply had a habit of restraining herself from being happy.

What was she afraid of, given that life happens and we move on? However, he had the impression that she was a woman who carried pain as a precaution. She preferred to become best friends with her pain. It was necessary for protection.

He wanted to be her protector.

He thought.

He finished his cigarette and slid his hands into his pocket.

She was damaged badly, he could tell that much.

Yet, she needed to understand, that if we're all honest, we're all damaged in some way.


He saw h
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