Chapter 106 - A Powerful Creature

The last sentence Jack uttered seemed to have taken Lucien aback. "He knows he's been betrayed? What do you mean?"

Jack still kept his head down. He was immersed in profound sadness. When he realized that Gunnar suffered the same fate as Benjamin, a strong urge emerged within him. He was determined to give them both the honor they deserved.

Both of them were people who walked the straight path and fought for the sake of others. Nevertheless, there were still a handful of people who maliciously plotted something cunning against them.

For Jack, there was only one way to give them proper respect. And that was by seeking vengeance against anyone who had betrayed them both.

"Lucien," Jack said. He had completely lost his respect for the senior bodyguard. "I said that my father was foolish, didn't I? Do you know why I said that?"

"Huh, why should I bother to think about it? Of course he's dead and you're going to meet the same fate, so why should I even worry about it?" Lucien grinned
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