Harry. Take my brother away! I want to talk to him alone." Old Bat ordered Lord Harry Bat.

"Alright Dad,"

After Mr. Harry Bat came out, the old bat said, "Ronald. Did the military make you into a bird?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean," Ronald replied.

"Well, I'll tell you my story. My name is Leonardo Bat. It was during the Second World War. The military was doing research to create super soldiers. They injected animal genes into our bodies. At that time, there were thirty of you."

"After our bodies were injected with animal genes, our bodies turned into monsters like the ones you see now. With our monster bodies, we were invincible on the battlefield. In just one attack, we could destroy a military base. I was once hit by machine gun fire, but I didn't die. Whenever I was wounded, it only took a few seconds for my wounds to heal."

"After the world war ended, the military didn't want to return us to our original form, so we rebelled. But not all of us rebelled. Some of us side
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