The next day

Ronald and his mom and dad were already at the Georgian restaurant. The restaurant had three floors. Ronald and his family were on the first floor, drinking juice while waiting for his arrival. Alexa Johnson with her husband and daughter

Mrs. Alexa Johnson and her family used to live in the same neighborhood as Ronald's family, but a few years ago her husband moved to the city of Aston. Mrs. Alexa Johnson's husband, Hugo Johnson, works as the manager of a hotel in Aston.

It wasn't long before Alexa Johnson, her husband, and daughter arrived.

"Hi, Nellie Smith, let's go to the private VIP room instead. This place doesn't suit us." Alexa Johnson said smugly:

"Alright. We'll follow you." Ronald's mother said

"After arriving at the VIP room? Alexa Johnson ordered expensive food and drinks."

"Alexa, it's been four years since we've seen each other; you seem to feel at home in Aston." Nelly Smith opened the conversation.

"You're right. My husband has now been promoted to genera
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