Chapter 127: Another World

Swiftly, he jumped and dived to the bottom of the river, now different from the past, his body was swimming more regularly, thanks to controlled breathing and the Qi in his body which acted as oxygen. Not long after, Long Chu managed to reach the bottom of the river.

Long Chu still clearly remembered the position of the secret door. However, after more than a year has passed, the door is now covered in thick moss. Even so, this was not an obstacle for Long Chu.

Determinedly, he formed a hand gesture and swung it, driven by an inner voice that whispered 'Monkey King's Punch!' A violent shaking was felt on the ground, and water ripples flooded the surroundings. However, the door remained unmoved and indifferent to Long Chu's attack.

Increasingly motivated to defeat this obstacle, Long Chu swung his arm again, this time with even greater strength.


The door shook violently, but it was still intact and not destroyed.

'This door is so strong, it seems like it requires a special key to
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