The Dragon King.
The flaps of giant wings preceeded the wave of wild wind, which swept across Huthi Farmland. The dragon descended at the front of the two bamboo stalks which served as the portal to the parallel world.

"What the hell?"

Alves was reluctant to climb down from the back of the dragon. It had been clouds and clouds when they travelled from the place where they left the Supreme Majesty.

To suddenly find himself back at Grimming Hills was something he could never have anticipated.

"Why did I find myself here? Why didn't I return to the Kingdom? What happened? Is this the doings of the Supreme Majesty?"

The dragon pushed its head forward till it touched touched the earth. Alves climbed down from its back.

"Did I really fly from like two worlds to Huthi under an hour?"

He heard the wings of the dragon flap. The Supreme Majesty had told him that the dragon was his spiritual pet. He still didn't know what that really meant.

The dragon lifted itself from the earth, and off it flew, as

Hey, guys. I'm so sorry for not updating for a long time. I got a new book which I was working on. I can't promise daily update on this one, but I'll surely keep updating. Thanks for reading.

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