"That's if it was a human."

Alves was waiting patiently for the arrival of the Prime Minister. No matter how much he tried to dissuade himself from worrying about the punk who had claimed to have his full picture, he just couldn't get the thoughts off his head.

He got up from the couch and walked towards the door again.

"When did the media get here? I mean, it hasn't even been a minute since the news was broadcast. How could they have arrived here in such a sort space of time?" He murmured, looking through the door.

He walked out of the door and headed towards the gate. He was in the compound of the tower. No matter how zealous and intentional the media personnel were, they could never break in.

"We are here to meet with the mystery man!" A voice called from outside the compound.

"Please, we would love to have a word with you, sir."

"Please come answer some of our questions."

"We know you are in..."

Alves could hear the people calling at him. Leaving the compound premises wouldn't be much of a hassle for h
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