Chapter 1452 Following the Rival

Josias and Carmen enter Tiago's room. The CFO was busy with calculations and spreadsheets, but he stops work when he sees who was coming in.

“Hello, guys. You look like something serious has happened.”

Carmen starts to speak, “Honey, I've already communicated my decision to Josias.”

Josias adds, “And I said I can accept it because of the pregnancy, but not because she feels rejected.”

Carmen sighs, “It will be better this way, Josias. Vânia doesn't talk to me anymore and Shirley doesn't take her mobile table to the secretary's desk. I have to get up and go to the kitchen if I don't want to die of hunger and thirst.”

Tiago gets upset, “If that's why, let's talk to them to—“

“No, dear, that's exactly what I want to avoid. Each with their decision. I don't want anyone being forced to be my friend. I prefer to stay at home to be a good mother.”

“OK, dear, but let it be clear that Rocha Constructions will be eternally grateful for your ten years of dedication to the company.”

Carmen smiles
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