Chapter 1734 Poor Evidence

At the police station, Ivan feels entitled to be insulted by Tiago punching his desk.

“Beware of your fits, my lord! Do you want to spend the day in pre-trial detention?”

“No, it was Renan Vasconcelos who should have been there!” Tiago roars, “What happened, how did he escape?”

Ivan is at a loss to explain, “He didn't escape. He made the call he was entitled to... to Mayor Ibrahim.”

“Did you mean Tobias Ibrahim? Because the son has nothing to do with the father!”

“Don't let him hear you.” Ivan scoffs.

“Don't make jokes, Sergeant! You made a big mistake!”

“You mean the MAYOR made a big mistake?” Ivan distorts the matter.

But Tiago doesn't fall for the linguistic trick, “I'm saying that Renan Vasconcelos is a dangerous man who doesn't deserve to be scot-free. Is the fact that he built a factory a reason for him to get away with it?”

“We'll keep an eye on him, Mr. Bento. As the victim managed to escape from captivity but only gave us a phone call, there is no greater reason for him to be
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