Chapter 2185 Lorraine's Bomb

Days passed. Cláudio is in his apartment, lying on the sofa wrapped in a blanket from the waist down, reading the LCN newspaper.

A piece of news that read more like a footnote from Vernon reported that Thierry Lafayette has been found and is safe.

Cláudio frowns, “Such an important story that ran for days, suddenly disappeared from TV and newspapers, and now that the case has been resolved, they just write this tiny note? What does that mean? Could it be... could it be that the matter was truly resolved?”

A malicious smile springs from Claudio's lips.

He settles back into the pillows and continues to scan the headlines, but nothing else is said.

“Why do I have the feeling that this has the hand of Josias Rocha?”


In Gabriela's apartment, the subject is the same.

Gabriela is trying to feed baby food to a reluctant Sandra, “Darling, isn't there anything else in the papers about Th

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