Chapter 47

News truly did become old quite fast in Ironward.

The next afternoon, the main building cafeteria was bustling with activity, but, according to Andre’s ears, hearsay of the burning of the first-year dormitories was apparently a thing of the past. More interesting rumors have made their way to the forefront.

Now, Rafe, Andre, Joe, Daeran, and Frodd were seated around each other, attempting to shape the coming days of the fight up ahead.


The redheaded barbarian pouted at the blond superhuman. “Come on, lad!”

“I dunno,” Joe chuckled as he chewed on his meal – something called moonberry waffles. “Sounds pretty cool. Strength in numbers and all that, right?”

Rafe rolled his eyes as he responded to Frodd’s whining. “Dude, I barely know anyone not sitting at this table right now. I don’t think making a big speech about ‘tearing down the status quo’ just a month into starting our first year here is gonna pan out.”

“Plus, those guys showed that they were willing to stoop to…” Andre swall
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