Identical twin

His face became gloomy. 

"Reginald wanted to impose a new law. It is to eradicate any babies  who will not pass the standard."

"I am not surprised. We know that he always wanted control. How did he sugarcoat that mass murder of the innocents? "

"Tammy plays music. I want rock music."

We are now surrounded by loud sounds, right now. He swiftly comes to my side.

"Please be careful with your words. You know that Regerry Reginald sees me as his enemy. I am not surprised if someone is tracking me." His nervousness was clearly shown on his face.

"Sorry. I forget that. What is your plan now?"

"I am not sure about that. Surely, Reginald will not stop pushing his agenda." 

We almost whispering, now.

"How about other members of Atheos?"

"They will never support me. Some of them also have their interests to protect.  Few are crippled by fears. Others by fears." He looked away. Feeling hopeless for his cause.

"What now? You will accept your defeat." Looked at him, intensely.

"It's not about me, anymore. It is about the lives of thousands of innocent children. You know me, I cannot just close my eyes about this."

" Maybe I can help you? We can think of better options regarding this matter."

"We need to be careful in our steps. He is cunning and manipulative. Not mentioning his followers. They treat him like a god. They are blinded by his words and promises."

"Maybe the member of the Atheos but not the populace."

"You cannot blame them. They are enjoying  the comfort  brought by the system."

"That's  I think you can help me a lot. I have no means to reach out. To the general public. I want to hear their sentiments."

"Which is mostly made up of the doer.  I believe I am more than capable to hear them. But what we should, think about is how we  can use that."

"What are planning to do? Espionage. You need to be careful, we cannot trust anybody."

"I am surprised. You are not stopping. As you always do."

"It is not only me but also our parents. Remember, they are the ones who encourage you to take your placement results."

"Yes, they are always afraid about how I think." Remembering the scene led me to a different path.

"Because they always know your true capability. And they are afraid of your safety."

"It is an exaggeration coming from my brother. I am, just a humbly chef. What do you think I can do?" 

" You had the charisma. You're good at using words that can easily insinuate any idea." 

"But I have never had the heart like yours. A pure soul."

" Soul? You keep using words that are not relevant. It is just theory that is long forgotten."

"But I still believe in it." As I stand up.

"Tammy, stop the music."

" You are not eaten, yet. "

"Did you not forget? Brother... It is prohibited for us, the doer -to eat."

"But I wanted to share it with you. I think there is nothing wrong with that."

"My dear, brother. Did you also forget sharing is a practice that is long gone? You only enjoy what you earned."

He sighed softly with a great disappointment.

"Utopian society? Huh? What the big joke?" He walks toward a glass window. He watched the earth.

The blue planet where our ancestors lived. A long silence between us.

I joined him.

" Did you also take notice of the busy traffic of spaceships?"

"That's brought huge opportunities and riches for the thinkers. The elite few. But a tragedy and miseries for the doer."

"I think I should leave now. I do not like our conversation is heading to." I just give him. A pat on his shoulders. I already stride away from him. 

When he spoke with deep concern in his voice." Please, be careful in what you are going to do. Remember, that you are the only one, left for me."

"You always act like you can read my mind?" I bid him, farewell. I chose not to look at his face.  I am afraid that I will change my mind when I saw the fear in his eyes.

In my quarter.

After a cold shower. With just a towel hidden my lower part. I face the mirror. Reddish hair, blue eyes, and pale complexion. Looking through my eyes. I can see the image of my brother. Same height and wide shoulder. No one can easily notice our differences. But we both know what it is. He is more capable of controlling his emotion. He is wiser in choosing his words. Some say it is cowardice. I deeply understand he is just a little careful. In dealing with our enemies. After reading two novels in a row. Still, I can hardly sleep.

I looked at my clock. It is a perfect time. I grabbed my coat and put a mask on my face. 

I walked through a dark alley. It is a secret passage toward a secret tunnel. With only a few know its existence. Even Ishvi does not have any idea about it.

I just push the metal door. Our fingerprints serve as a password. A dim light over my head, light my way. A secret place where voiceless members of our society met. No names. No associations. Whatever you heard or saw you should forget as soon as you exit the door. 

Mr. Bartender only relies on his left hand. He is a former mechanic in interstellar Enterprise but due to an accident. He lost his right arm and eyes. He has no name. A good friend to my father. They are the ones who established this place.

"How  are you doing man?" He serves me a glass of tea.

"Same as the other day." Nodding my head. Slowly sipping the liquid. I rather not ask what it is made of. As I am sure it will not kill. It is sweet but has a tangy aftertaste.

A minute later. We are joined by two individuals. I have no right to disclose their names. For the matter of security.

"Hello, Mr. Bartender. What you prepared for us?" A man with a black beard ordered. His hand is full of bandages.

"Please, share with us your secret drink to cleanse our misery. Even just for minutes." His companion had ghastly look on his appearance. Voicing out, which is everybody is secretly wishing. An antidote for the misery of our souls. But sadly, it is still not available in every corner of the universe.

"Hard day...How I envy the dead. Resting peacefully in his slumber." Mr. Bartender looking at me, with a dreadful look.

"It seems our days became harder as they passed. His excellency still not contented." A man with a black beard saying it, after a quick gulp.

" He decreases our supply of food pills. He just allocated, one for a day. He doesn't have any idea. How hard it is." Mr. ghastly look, adding on.

"Even lowering the temperature of the shower. We are not lacking in funds. As I can see how the Atheos members had lavish lifestyles. But still, they don't know anything but to make our life, miserable." Mr. black beard continues his rant.

I just keep my silence. Just listening to their conversation. Acting that I am not affected. Sipping my drink. Hoping it can silence the voices in my head.

The loud voice of Mr. Black beard. Exchanging of anecdotes between them, ensued. It adds to their hatred toward our leaders.

It is a form of self-medication for a man to vent out his negative emotions. They never needed advice. But rather someone who will listen. There are the thoughts that encircle my mind, observing them.

I momentarily stopped. When I heard my brother's name.

" We needed someone who will hear our plea. That's  the only thing, that we can demand, change." A young man is now standing at the table. While the group of men, encircle him. 

"We need to fight for our needs. Not for its own sake. For our families and the future of our children."

The man with a black beard gives his suggestion. " I know someone who will listen to us. Minister Ishvi Rosent, I heard his speech in the parliament. I am sure. He will listen to us."

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