Chapter 85 - Epilogue: Road to Eternity

Thanks to Daisuke's newfound strength, Satoru, Mikasa, and Hina were rescued from the debris. Hina was the one in critical condition, with her head severely hit. She was breathing, but there was no sign she would remain that way for long, while Mikasa's two legs were crushed.

Like Daisuke some minutes ago, Satoru's back was fractured as well. He could barely stand without crying out. Instinctively, Daisuke placed his hands on each of them, and just by channeling some of his magical energy into them, they were healed.

Daisuke got to his feet and looked around him. He shut his eyes and stretched forth his hands, and several piles of rubble went up in the air. Then, from the crevices beneath the rubble, several slave goblins, outcasts, and elves crawled out, all severely injured. All of them were injured by the debris that had covered him.

A visible blue aura emanated from Daisuke's body and swept through the entire region. It was warm to everyone who came into contact with it, and all w
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