Crosskill (Steal the System)
Crosskill (Steal the System)
Author: Dian Armay
I Find A System

A cafe becomes a waiting place for a man in a black jacket. He sat facing a waiter who was dropping food and drinks according to what was ordered. But no food is withdrawn.

Not long after, a girl wearing skimpy clothes only covered a small part of her upper leg. Meanwhile, the shirt worn does not cover the stomach but perfectly wraps the arms to the wrists. A ring decorates the left finger. He sat facing the man who had already arrived there. A small bag that is carried is used to cover the stomach which is in direct contact with the air.

Why are you taking so long, Heavy sis?” asked the man named Kava.

"Sorry My lite bro, I'm stuck in a traffic jam. By the way, why did you invite me here?” asked the girl named Mika.

I just earned money. It's to celebrate that I invite you here." Kava handed a plate to Mika.

You should save for the future. But can I eat this?” Mika took a spoon.

"Yes, let's be together."

A plate of food is not enough for Mika. Kava gave back the food that had been ordered. The girl's favorite drink was also offered. The dishes that were on the table were divided into two places.

The food on the table was almost completely eaten by the two of them. Kava turned her eyes around the area to look for the maid. But what is seen instead of humans scattering in panic? He stood up and confronted one of the people who was there. "What's up Bro?" he asked.

There was no response from the person Kava had stopped.

The crowd of people who were running was finished. Seen standing while holding a young woman. Around him were several people who were seriously injured. The right foot stepping on a person is trying to get the fight. On the left hand there is a bracelet that confirms if he is one of the owners of the system.

Hi, free them all,” said Kava.

You're asking me to fail the mission? It means you are blocking me and I must destroy it. The system owner's left hand let go of the woman he was holding and pointed it up. An energy ball is formed and thrown at Kava.

The attack was successfully avoided by Kava. But the second attack could not be avoided because it was too fast. He was hit by an attack and bounced up to hit a wall. Blood was coming out of his mouth.

The chest feels like being hit by a car. Kava's hand holding the part of the body that hurts. He tried to stand up by leaning against a wall.

The attack was aimed at Kava again. He could only resign himself to the attack by lowering his head. It was at that moment that Mika came to block the energy ball attack. They were both pushed too hard.

Heavy Sis.” Kava's gaze fixed on Mika's eyes.

"It's not much. Lite, run," Mika said while bleeding from his mouth.

The girl's body pulled back suddenly. Apparently it was the doing of the system owner who lifted Mika with only his left hand. "Sorry, my mission to retrieve your girlfriend," he said.

"You don't lie!" Kava threw a left fist towards his rival's face.

Kava's very slow and weak attacks are easily caught by system owners. Even his hand was slightly rotated until it sounded loudly, “Crack.”

Kava could not stand the pain in his left arm. He shouted as loud as possible to express that feeling, "Argh!"

Kawa!” Mika rebelled, at the risk of tearing the back of her shirt. He instantly awarded a kick to the system owner's face.

The system owner did not expect that he would be attacked by a woman who became his prey. Her left hand immediately pushed Mika so that the girl backed away from Kava. Not only that, he drew closer to Mika and punched the girl's uncovered stomach before carrying her away. “Lucky your girlfriend is enough for my mission. I'll kill you next time,” he said one last time before disappearing from the already messy place.

Kava was no longer able to stand up. What's more, his left hand still hurts and doesn't function at all. He could only shed tears remembering Mika's departure. The clenched fists aimed at the floor a few times.

Some time had passed. The atmosphere in the cafe has not changed at all. No one got close to it. Only Kava and the corpses were left in the messy place.

The pain can already be at the top. Kava got back up from where he fell even though his left hand could no longer function. He walked towards the place of the final battle. He picked up the torn cloth and held it with all his might. “My Heavy Sis, I promise to avenge this even if my life is at stake. May you not be sacrificed to the demons.”

Kava's eyes looked elsewhere. He saw an unusual object there. Kava got closer to confirm what it was. From the shape, it can be ascertained if it is a bracelet so that it can be connected to the system. He also put on the right hand.

A light shone from within the bracelet. A slightly transparent winged fairy appeared along with the notification window.

[Name : ???]

[Class : healer]

[Level :1]

[HP : 15/130]

[MP : 16/54]

[Atk :12]

[Def : 5]

[Skills : -]

Welcome to the Florine system. My name is Florine and I will guide you to the peak of glory," said the Fairy.

"My name is Kawa. How do I fill this out?” asked Kava.

"If the question mark means you were not selected as a user. Sorry, I can't help you to be like a normal user. But I still try my best for you,” replied Florine.

"How can I get the skill?"

"You must carry out a mission."

But the notification window is empty. How can I get a mission?”

"I don't know, I can only guide you. Maybe tomorrow morning it will show up.”

Kava pressed the button on the right wrist by pressing it against the chin. The fairy who was guiding the mission disappeared along with the notification window, which was no longer active. He stepped out of the cafe.

The situation outside was very chaotic. Vehicles strewn about around the area filled a fairly large area. Kava walked among the wrecked cars and motorbikes. Some who were trapped in the vehicle tried to be helped. Some of them were rescued, some of them died before he could get them out.

The bracelet in Kava's hand gave in. The man pressed on with his eyes on a wrecked vehicle. Angeline also appeared along with the notification window.

"Yo, there's a mission for you even though you're not registered as a selected user." Florine flew closer to Kava's face.

"What's, Bestie?"

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