Agatha didn't bring me more chicken as she promised. Rather, she keeps avoiding me. Since I don't care, I ignored her and the rest of the nuns, spend my days on the grassland, and never bothered to make a friend with any of the orphans.

After what seemed like weeks of living a lonely life, I eat my grub which keeps reducing as I grow older, took some glass of juice, stepped out of the orphanage hall, and then walked toward my sanctuary.

"Hey, come here, Ugly face," one of the bullies of the orphanage shouted at me and then waves his hand as a sign for me to walk close to them.

Since I am not in the mood for chit-chat. I ignored them, hissed and change the direction of my movement.

A moment later, the three of them raced closer and stood in my front.

"Johnny. I don't have the time for your pranks this morning, please excuse me."

"Stay there, Ugly-face. We have some questions to ask you," Benny announced.

"What questions?"

"Where did you see the chickens, sweet and biscuit that we
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