"We heard you get adopted, and the driver of your new family is on the way to pick you up."

"Oh, What a lucky baby!"

"Hey, Alicia. Did you hear that his foster parents were rich and influential?"

"Geez! How lucky you are, Jasmine."

"Let him breathe. All of you are now acting like his friend because of his good fortune."

"Enough, Betty. We all know you are his greatest adversary."

I watched as the nuns fussed over me, smiled when they all struggled to dress me up, and then sighed when Betty carried me like a crate of eggs, hurried out of our washroom, and caresses me as she walked towards Mother Maggie's section of the villa.

"Put me down and let me work with my legs. Why are you treating me like fragile materials?"

Betty ignored my pleading, and with her free hand, she jerked Mother Maggie's office door open and stepped inside.

"Here he is, Mother. Don't he look cute?"

"He sure did. You can seat down, Betty," Mothed Maggie mumbled. She stretched her hand towards a young, good-lookin
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