She is just a kid


Seattle~ At the hospital***

Damien and Lawrence came out of the car they brought. Lawrence moved to the driver and asked him to wait for them since they had their luggage in the car, as Damien waited for him to join him to say their final farewell to the Jones family. They walked into the hospital and headed straight to little Noelle's ward. They had gone to their house earlier, but they were informed by the security the couple had come to visit their daughter. They made their way into Noelle's ward when they got to it, Damien pushed the door gently not wanting to wake Noelle up in case she was sleeping.

Unfortunately, she was not asleep, she was sitting on her bed playing games and giggling at herself as her parents sat near her bed watching her. Noelle refused to look up when the door screeched open thinking it was one of the nurses who is there to check on her and administer medication for her as usual. She hated to be in the hospital though, but poor her what can she do i
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