A Dream That Never Ends.



That was the word that left Gabriel’s mouth when he saw the person slapping his face above him.

Noticing he was currently lying on the floor, Gabriel slowly got up to assume a sitting position and his expression was totally clear that he was currently lost in a daze. After all, he was.

Even when Gabriel was currently expecting such a result to happen, No, he was hoping for the result in front of his eyes to come true, seeing it in front of his eyes really was unbelievable. Gabriel had used is godly powers just like God said to make it possible for him to see his loved ones again and now seeing John his heart melted totally.

Without any glint of hesitation in his eyes, Gabriel immediately hugged John.

“W-What the hell?!” John said out loud while trying to fight himself out of Gabriel’s grasp but he was not successful in his attempts.

“Bro what the hell has gotten all over you?!”

“Are you crazy?! Get off!”

John continued to complain as he tried to released himself from Gabrie

Thanks Everyone! If you read this book to the end, then thank you for sticking with me on this journey. This is my first book and I used it as a means to learn so i really hope you enjoyed it but I promise you all my next book is going to be 100 times better than this book. Thank you!

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