Manipulating Caterina And Viana
Brok used his energy to break the contact of Sen and Sisa.

"I have some thing to do, I will meet you again,"

Brok shook his head in hurry as he took Sisa and went away.

"Come in!"

Sen ordered Caterina and Isabell.

"Good Morning, Ma'am!"

The girls bowed towards Viana.

Viana nodded with indifferent expression and flew away.

"What happened, Sir?"

Isabell asked curiously.

"Nothing, i met mom and talked about something,"

Sen just shrugged it off.

"You should go and train yourself,"

Sen pointed out the training room.

"But training is boring,"

Isabell protested.

Sen touched cheek and caressed it slowly.

"If you will not train, then you can't fight and accept missions with us in the future,"

Sen advised her with kind smile.


Isabell nodded with dull expression and went in the training room.

Caterina stood there with respectful expression.

"So what should we do now?"

Sen asked her as he looked at the departed figure of Isabell.

Caterina bit her lips and took out a
The Sinner Of Time

Hello everyone! This is my first story, and I wrote it freely without any restrictions. It's unlikely that this book will be published, so I'm using it as an opportunity to improve my skills and experiment with R-18 scenes and manipulation. If you're looking for a well-written book, I recommend reading my book "Harem Lord," which has been received well. However, if you're interested in reading some spicy R-18 content with sadism and manipulation without a specific plot, feel free to continue with this book.

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