Author: Royal Kareem
Chapter 0: Prologue

The thunder rumbled outside, its echoes reverberating through the walls of my room. Raindrops pelted against the windowpane, creating a symphony of nature's fury. The flashes of lightning illuminated the darkness, casting eerie shadows across the room.

I tossed and turned, my thoughts swirling like the tempestuous winds outside…

Exhaustion after a deadline paired with a storm has never been a good match. Yet, I didn't find it too obnoxious either, knowing full well that I couldn't let my guard down in the relentless pursuit of my goals. While I partly blamed my tumultuous history, I couldn't place all the blame on the past, for these sharp instincts of mine had saved me from countless troubles before.

That being said, tonight… it was different. 

Tonight, amidst the raging storm, a sense of unease gripped me more than the usual shell shock I casually had. It was as if an invisible force tugged at the fringes of my consciousness, beckoning me towards something unknown, something beyond the realm of rationality. The ominous feeling kept wrapping around me, slowly suffocating me, until I heard a mystical whisper…

[Wake Up]

As I lay there, wide awake, a strange mixture of weariness and anticipation coursed through my veins. It was a paradoxical state, where exhaustion mingled with an odd sense of exhilaration. I couldn't shake off the feeling that something extraordinary was about to unfold, something that would disrupt the monotony of my existence.

I stared at the ceiling, tracing the cracks that spiderwebbed across its surface, blinking for a full minute until it finally dawned on me that the ceiling I was staring at right now was not familiar at all.

It came as a surprise, yet at the same time, not a total shock.

In fact, the first thought that crossed my mind was—

"Man, it's been a while since this happened," I muttered.

I wasn't all that weirded out. After all, it wasn't so rare for me to have these vivid dreams— lucid dreams, I believe they were called. But dreams were dreams, and I wouldn't feel hurt even if I lost a limb or two, let alone from pinching my own arm or cheek. That was usually my go-to method to check and regain my sense of reality.

However, as I tested my sensory response, for the first time since this ever happened, I blinked...

"Huh, that's new," I couldn't help but mumble in bewilderment at the unexpected pain.

That being said, I have way more memories as Min Suhyun, yet I have no recollection of this room whatsoever. Even if this is how reincarnation works, I highly doubt it involves the transfer of soul and memories into a complete stranger's adult body.

‘The concept of transmigration, however…’ I pondered. 

“Heh, no way”

It was a cute theory, but the idea of being transmigrated into a different world as another person seemed far too fantastical to be real.

‘Well, anyhow.’

Although I remained somewhat skeptical about this experience being anything other than an overly vivid dream, I realized that I had limited clues to unravel the truth. With a resolve, I sat up in bed, determined to gather more information.

As I looked around the room, I noticed that it had an unfamiliar appearance, resembling a bedroom that was likely part of an inn.

"Who am I now?" I wondered aloud, scanning the surroundings. However, my search for a mirror nearby proved futile. Determined to find one, I made my way to the bathroom.

As I walked, I noticed my steps felt heavier than usual, and a chilling coldness enveloped my body.

"Did the heater break in real life?" I mused, deciding to check later once I woke up from this dream. There was still so much I needed to do, and falling ill was not an option.

"Either way..." I said, contemplating my reflection in the bathroom mirror. I struggled to recognize the person I seemed to be 'possessing' this time.

"Did I become an extra this time?" Shock washed over me as I touched my own face with these calloused fingers. In most of these dreams, I would typically be the main character, rarely experiencing them from a third-person perspective.

"Heh..." I chuckled, trying to see the positive side. "It's not that bad."

"At least, my gender is aligned this time."


From the looks of it, I appeared to be in my early twenties or possibly even younger. However, despite my observation, I couldn't recall who I might have become. Uncovering my identity would prove challenging, especially since I seemed to be an extra—a role I typically wouldn't pay much attention to.

Staring at my reflection, I took notice of my current appearance: a pale face, black bob haircut, and a pair of hazel eyes. Overall, it was an average look, fitting for an extra, if it weren't for the two white streaks framing my face.

These striking features in my appearance would have been considered appealing in the modern era. However, I could barely recall any of my memorable characters having such a look. In fact, none of my main characters, antagonists, or secondary characters resembled this appearance.

Since I couldn't remember at first glance, it could only mean that this character wasn't one of the 'finished ones'.

That is when a memory of last night flashed...

It was a stormy night back in my apartment as well. I couldn't sleep or even have a peace of mind. Therefore, I decided to explore the old drafts on my tablet and deleted the unused files when I reached one of the oldest folders I have.

Seven years.

It was a stormy night in my apartment, much like the one I experienced now. Sleep eluded me, and my mind couldn't find peace. In search of solace, I turned to my tablet, exploring the old drafts stored within. I hoped to find something that would ignite my interest, deleting the unused files as I went along.

Engaging in this activity proved therapeutic, and occasionally, it sparked inspiration for my next writing endeavor. Growing weary of the recent 'trash' drafts, I decided to delve into one of the oldest folders in my collection. That's when I stumbled upon a particular treasure.

[The Fallen Grace.] The title glowed on the screen, beckoning me into a world I had long forgotten.

Seven years had passed since I last laid eyes on this folder. It remained untouched all this time, harboring secrets and forgotten tales. My mind grew drowsy as I clicked on it, anticipation building.

It was a fantasy novel about a rebellious main character who decided to free himself from the bounds of 'fate'. It was a story of Arlia Whitlock, a teenager who ran away from his home and set on a journey that he believed to be different from what's set in stone.

An unfinished story, one that had been long since abandoned with no hope of continuation…

It appeared that I had blacked out, as that was my final memory before awakening in this unfamiliar place.

"Well, whatever," I shrugged, determined to figure things out later. Chaos was not new to me, and I knew it wouldn't be the last time I encountered it. Therefore, my immediate priority was to take a shower and rid myself of these unpleasant, sweaty clothes.

A long, calming shower would undoubtedly work wonders, and that's exactly what I decided to do for now.

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