Chapter 250. Rumbling War

Seeing that the banyan tree territory was completely controlled by the dwarves made Tobias' heart happy. The dwarves shouted with joy, some cried with emotion while hugging each other.

One of the lead dwarves walked up to Tobias. He raised a hat similar to a magic cone and lowered it while bowing his head.

Not only did he do this, but the other dwarves did the same. They paid their highest respects to Tobias, who was a human, in his attempt to reclaim the sacred place for them.

"Thank you, Mr. Tobias. We dwarves will always be indebted to humans," the dwarf replied.

Tobias, who was still sitting upright on his mount, dismounted, stepped up to the dwarf and reached forward, asking both parties to shake hands.

"Welcome to your true home. Keep your promise not to participate in this war," Tobias said.

The dwarf cast both eyes downward, looking at Tobias' right hand that was pointed forward. The dwarf in front of Tobias smiled widely with a nod of his head, shaking Tobias with both hands.
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