Alliana of the East

"The south demesne was breached!" A lieutenant spoke while panting.

Caesar's attention was immediately caught, everyone's head turned towards the door.

"What happened?" The General was still unable to grasp for the whole gist.

On his knees, Keith looked up and replied. Events were pacing out quickly, even his professional style wasn't able to comprehend.

"Two vigilantes were spotted. The red sparrow hacked the cyber software, unlocking the storage facilities for health potions, we are still unable to track the mischievous being." Pants went in between his words, he ran for 3 kilometers just to get to the tower.

Everyone's jaw inside the room hung low. This wasn't their first time hearing such bad news, but it was the very premiere to hear that someone can actually hack into the cyberware. The technical team built it strong and sturdy, no ordinary citizen can break into the binaries.

No one was able to respond. It was out of their perspective to think of any solution. The problem
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