Mission accomplished

I prepared myself to start following the politician. The atmosphere was becoming tense and dangerous, as I knew that in this highly guarded place, many users would be on the lookout for their target. My target, however, was clear and determined: Harold.

From my privileged position in a building near the Capitol, I had a panoramic view of the avenue and the windows of the other buildings. My gaze was focused, scanning the crowd for any sign of Harold's presence. But among the jumble of people, I couldn't make him out. Each face seemed to be just an ordinary user, and I wasn't willing to waste my time eliminating others; my only target was Harold.

Suddenly, my eyes fell on a shocking scene. A user was being dragged away by someone unknown, and I knew that had to be Harold. My heart began to race as I pointed my rifle at the window from where I saw the strange movement. I waited anxiously, hoping for some sign, but nothing happened. The tension was mounting, and in my mind I felt the wei
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