Dungeon Monster Escapes from Portal

Farhana felt Vasu's intense gaze, causing her cheeks to flush red as she lowered her head with a shy expression. However, her confusion grew as she furrowed her brow, wondering why the dungeon manager seemed different today. Until now, she had never thought he was interested in girls. But the way he looked at her was like a hungry wolf eyeing a rabbit. Inwardly, Farhana pondered this as she turned around and walked out of the office.

Vasu shook his head and slowly stood up from his chair. After a few seconds, he started following Farhana. Both of them walked out of the building. Despite the prevalent technology, the environment around Vasu exuded an ancient-age vibe, surprising him. He looked around with an astonished expression on his face, similar to a child entering Disneyland for the first time. He observed the technology integrated into the park but also noticed the forts and costumes of princesses and princes, adding to the ancient feel. The more he explored Disneyland, the more surprised he became.

"Sir, please enter the carriage," said Farhana respectfully.

Vasu, who had been admiring the scenery around him, suddenly snapped back to reality and turned to look at his beautiful assistant. He then entered the carriage, followed by Farhana. Upon seating himself properly, Vasu raised his head to observe the metal horses pulling the carriage. He was struck dumb by their lifelike appearance and soon realized that they were a type of low-level dungeon monster called "Silver Kelpies." Vasu shook his head in disbelief and thought to himself, "I never imagined that I would witness such incredible life forms in my lifetime."

After a few minutes of travelling at the speed of the Silver Kelpies, the carriage arrived at the portal leading to a new dungeon. Although the local civilization had been moving away from the new portal under the surveillance of the dungeon manager's subordinates, there were still a few citizens in the process of leaving their homes. Suddenly, the portal began to shake violently, causing several buildings to collapse. "For God's sake, there isn't anyone left in the collapsed buildings," Vasu thought to himself. The crowd of people who were moving in lines also fell to the ground due to the earthquake, with fear and horror written all over their faces.

As the portal continued to shake, a blurry figure emerged from it. The moment the figure emerged, it moved in the direction of the fallen crowd on the road.

"Mother, someone please help my mom get up from the road," said the little girl, tears streaming down her cute little face. Her mother raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her daughter's face before attempting to get up from the road where she had fallen due to the earthquake. Suddenly, she disappeared from in front of her daughter. The little girl stopped crying and quickly turned to look in all directions, but she was unable to see where her mother had gone.

"Ahhh…Someone please save me, dungeon explorers. Please save me!" the woman's voice echoed in all directions. The little girl jolted awake from her daze as a thunderclap sounded in her ears, and tears started to stream down her worried little face. "Mom, where are you? Why can't I see you? Mother, please don't leave me alone."

There were a few dungeon explorers who heard the voices of the mother and daughter, but they dared not make any move on the monster due to their low level of experience. Higher-level dungeon explorers only appear near the portal after their guilds purchase dungeon exploring tickets for them to explore it. They didn't even know the strength of the monster that came out of the portal, so they could only wait for higher-level dungeon explorers to be sent to kill the monster with an unknown strength level.

Vasu, who had just stepped out of the carriage, heard the voices of both the mother and daughter. His good character suddenly woke up from a deep slumber, and he quickly disappeared from the spot where he had just gotten off the carriage. "Dungeon manager..." Before Farhana could finish her sentence, Vasu had vanished in front of her with a 'swoosh'.

He appeared in front of a monster that looked like a crossbreed of an eagle, a crocodile, and a buffalo. He didn't even know what he was doing; everything was happening instinctively without him even realizing it. After taking a single glance at the monster, he vanished from that spot. The moment he disappeared, blood started to splatter from the monster's front legs, and the woman that the monster was holding in its fangs was suddenly in Vasu's hands. He appeared again in the same place where he had been hovering a few seconds ago.


An ear-piercing roar filled with pain and anger escaped from the monster's mouth, making the crowd, beginner and low-level dungeon explorers shudder in terror, fear written all over their faces. They prayed that the escaped monster from the portal wouldn't go berserk and kill them in anger. They couldn't understand why the monster suddenly roared like it had gone mad. Everyone present near the portal hurriedly raised their heads and looked up at the sky, curiosity filling their eyes.

Soon, their faces drained of color and paled after seeing the blood falling from the sky. They felt pity for the mother who was caught by the monster that had escaped from the portal and tried to run away from that place with fear-filled eyes. Only the dungeon manager's assistant and the little girl were left near the portal, both with dumbfounded looks on their faces.

"Sigh, he's always this reckless and gutsy when it comes to things like this. I'm sure that dungeon monster won't be stronger than the dungeon manager," Farhana murmured inwardly while looking up at the sky.

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