Dungeon Manager

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Dungeon Manager

By: LuoFeng915 CompletedFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 197 views: 3.0K

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After dying heroically while saving a little girl from kidnappers, Vasu is given a second chance at life in a new world where aliens and humans coexist.  As the Dungeon Manager, he is responsible for a complex labyrinth that holds the key to the planet's survival. Vasu must navigate the politics and power struggles of the various races while managing the challenges of the different levels of dungeon portals.  When he uncovers a plot that threatens to destroy the world, he must use all his skills to stop it. With the support of his allies, Vasu embraces his new purpose and realizes that this second chance at life may be the opportunity he needs to create a life he truly loves. blood boiling scenes are waiting for you to read , Enjoy a brand new world of dungeon-cultivation in a single novel.

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  • AATAnime


    Interesting story, well detailed and captivating, enticing me to just want to read again and again. Kudos to the author, I will be awaiting more chapters

    2023-02-09 09:55:34
  • Victor Amos Regannez


    what a nice fantasy novel

    2023-02-17 21:39:56
Latest Chapter
197 chapters
Planet Lazkar
"Did everyone take note of everything I explained on the blackboard?" asked the course master with a stern expression."Yes, sir," all the students replied, their faces filled with respect and fear."Good," said the course master before continuing his lesson on the blackboard.After the class ended, the teenagers walked out of the institute, chatting and smiling. However, after a while, most of the students turned their heads in a certain direction, their faces filled with smugness. A teenager walked out of the institute with a patched shirt and pants, looking down with an inexplicable expression on his face."Hey, look who we have here, a weirdo," one of the students started teasing the teenager with a sadistic smile on his face.The teenager didn't respond and continued walking towards the exit gate of the institute, his head still lowered."He doesn't even have the guts to talk back. What a garbage piece of shit this weirdo is," said another student with a disgusted look on his fac
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Dungeon Monster Escapes from Portal
Farhana felt Vasu's intense gaze, causing her cheeks to flush red as she lowered her head with a shy expression. However, her confusion grew as she furrowed her brow, wondering why the dungeon manager seemed different today. Until now, she had never thought he was interested in girls. But the way he looked at her was like a hungry wolf eyeing a rabbit. Inwardly, Farhana pondered this as she turned around and walked out of the office.Vasu shook his head and slowly stood up from his chair. After a few seconds, he started following Farhana. Both of them walked out of the building. Despite the prevalent technology, the environment around Vasu exuded an ancient-age vibe, surprising him. He looked around with an astonished expression on his face, similar to a child entering Disneyland for the first time. He observed the technology integrated into the park but also noticed the forts and costumes of princesses and princes, adding to the ancient feel. The more he explored Disneyland, the more
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Death of dungeon Monster and the woman was rescued
Farhana furrowed her brows with a worried expression on her face, while a little girl looked up at the blood falling from the sky with an anxious and fearful expression. The girl muttered with hurried breaths, shaking her tear-filled head, "Mother, I know that's not your blood. Nothing will happen to you." The monster looked at Vasu with pent-up anger, and fear flashed in its eyes. Though monsters were not as intelligent as humans or other alien creatures on that planet, they could instinctively understand their situations and choose to fight or retreat when facing danger. The monster wanted to give a little fight before retreating away from that place, unaware that its choice would cost it its life in the end. Vasu, who had seen the monster readying itself to make a move on him, once again disappeared from the spot he was standing. The monster's head exploded into a mist of blood, and its huge body slowly dropped towards the ground. Vasu reappeared in front of a little girl like a
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Dungeon Exploring Tickets
Due to the discomfort caused by the individual who had ruined the good mood between him and Farhana, Vasu simply replied with "I'm good," and turned around to look at the portal. It gave him a mysterious feeling that he had never experienced before. Observing the expression on Vasu's face as if the entire world owed him money, the individual awkwardly smiled and attempted to shift the conversation back to business. "Dungeon Manager, I'm here to purchase exploring tickets," Koushik stated calmly. Vasu continued to stare at the portal and said, "Farhana, sell the tickets, but don't cross the limit in sales. We need to be fair to everyone." "Okay, Dungeon Manager," Farhana responded. She took out her communication device and instructed the working staff to bring the tickets for sale to guilds and organizations that were interested in exploring the new dungeon portal. Due to the fact that it was a new dungeon portal, the staff under the Dungeon Manager had to print new tickets that were
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Dungeon Explorers team
"No, no, no…" Farhana said, shaking her head with a panicked look on her face. She thought, "What the hell is the dungeon manager thinking in his head? What if something happens to him? I'm not just his assistant. My father handed over the responsibility to look after him and take care of him properly. How can I face my father if something happens to him due to his reckless thinking like this?" "Why?" asked Vasu with raised brows on his face. "Because you're the dungeon manager, not a dungeon explorer," said Farhana as if it were a matter of fact. Listening to the words spoken by Farhana, Vasu's eyes widened, and his mouth hung agape. "What the hell does she mean by her words?" he wondered. "What does my title, 'dungeon manager,' have to do with my interests?" asked Vasu, shaking his head with a bitter smile on his face. "Whatever you say, I'm not going to change my interests. I'm going to explore the new dungeon portal with other dungeon explorers," said Vasu with a resolute loo
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I like you , be my woman
Vasu slowly walked towards the young girl, his eyes fixed on her. Julie was taken aback by his sudden approach and hurriedly walked forward without looking at him. But Vasu appeared in front of her and kept looking at her. Some dungeon explorers stopped walking and turned to look at Vasu and Julie with curious expressions on their faces. They were eager to see the show that was going on right now. "Brother, why are you blocking my way?" asked Julie timidly while trying to walk away from Vasu. Vasu didn't answer her question and just extended his hand to take all the luggage from her, then turned around to walk forward. Everyone shook their heads and kept walking forward while Julie was taken aback seeing Vasu taking all her luggage from her and walking forward. In the shadows of the big tree, a silhouette opened its eyes wide with surprise written all over her face. The silhouette was none other than Farhana. She never thought she would witness this type of behavior in a dungeon ma
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Resounding Face Slap
Farhana heard Vasu's words and nearly collapsed on the ground with a dazed look on her face. The words kept echoing in her head nonstop, but it took some time before she came back to her senses. Just as she did, another shock hit her when Vasu pulled Julie into his embrace and gently kissed her tender cheeks. After witnessing their intimate moment, Farhana collapsed on the ground in disbelief. After a while, Farhana raised her head to look for Vasu but couldn't find him anywhere. She hurriedly stood up and started to search for dungeon monsters. Soon, she found one and killed it immediately. As she thought of exiting the dungeon, the exit appeared in front of her, and she stepped into it, disappearing into thin air. In the next moment, she stepped out of the dungeon portal and saw the back of a familiar figure. She released a long sigh of relief with a smile on her lips. " Do you want me to give you a lift to your home?" asked Vasu with a calm look on his face. Before Julie could an
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Mother in law
Vasu was pleased with himself after seeing how he had handled the situation. He then called for the carriage, and once it arrived, Vasu turned to look at Julie. "Can I come with you to meet my mother-in-law?" he asked with a bright smile on his face. Julie lowered her head shyly and gently nodded in agreement. "In which hospital is your mother-in-law currently receiving treatment?" asked Vasu, after Julie agreed to his request to tag along. "Heavenly Clinic Hospital," said Julie with a deep blush on her cheeks. "Haha...Driver, take us to Heavenly Clinic Hospital," said Vasu, while boarding the carriage followed by Julie. "Okay, sir," the driver nodded his head and moved the carriage towards the Heavenly Clinic Hospital at full speed. In a few minutes, the carriage reached the hospital, and both of them alighted. Vasu instructed the driver to wait for him. Soon, both of them reached the ward where Julie's mother was being treated. Everyone in the hospital was dumbfounded upon se
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Little alien girl
"It's our pleasure to treat the illness of your family member, Sir Dungeon Manager. You don't have to worry about anything. She will be under our 24/7 care from now on," said Sudeep with a fawning smile on his face. "Hmm," Vasu nodded his head with a satisfied smile on his face after seeing everyone agreeing to his words without questioning him back. "This feeling, it's like being a celebrity from Earth," thought Vasu with a smug look on his face. Soon, he came back to his senses and said, "Hmm, now you all can go back and continue your work." "Ok, sir dungeon manager," said Sudeep and the other doctors before walking away from that ward, and peace once again returned to the ward. Vasu turned to look at Julie with a gentle gaze on his face and continued, "Julie, after you spend enough time with your mother, get back to the organization. I will go and arrange your quarters for you to stay from today onwards. If you want, you can explore our private dungeon portals, and I will even
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Li Fai's sister Yue
"Did you finish what you're saying?" asked Vasu with an angry look on his face. Vasu was very angry listening to that man calling that cute little alien girl 'wile' again and again. If he didn't want to give away his real identity in public, that middle-aged man would have died a thousand times already. "Ah?" the middle-aged man was taken aback after hearing the words said by Vasu. "What's your name?" asked Vasu, looking at the middle-aged man with a displeased expression on his face. "My name is Jat," replied Jat, raising his head proudly. "Jat my ass. If you don't fuck off out of my sight within five seconds, I will kill you like a dog," said Vasu calmly. "You...you," stammered Jat, looking exasperated. "Me what? Only three seconds left," Vasu said irritably. Jat continued to glare at Vasu, seething with anger. "Only one second left. You're dead meat," Vasu said, lowering his head to look at the little alien girl. "Okay, I will give you 50 tal if you win a game. Close your
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