Chapter 161: False hope
Having nothing to do around the city. Retto decided to just go straight to the meeting and wait for everyone.

“I’m sorry but Falfa was unable to attend because she felt unwell,”

Retto said and closed the door of her office.

Dia was busy looking as ever sitting at her desk and reading the papers in her hand. Mostly documents about projects and plans that would further result in the prosperity of Eden city.

His heavy voice pulled Dia’s attention and turned her gaze on him. A long stare directly into his eyes made him feel uneasy. Dia is suspicious and it's probably a woman’s instinct. Together with the rumor of Falfa being his mistress. Ideas that could happen with her knowing must be happening.

Retto for sure didn’t know anything about the rumor and who spread the rumor of him being Falfa’s lover while being a lover with Dia. So he normally closed the door to the office and took a seat on the sofa.

A maid came near him and placed some snacks and tea to drink while they waited for

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