Chapter 29 Fallen Angelous

“Aren't you the superhumans sent by Bishop Vincent to destroy the mutant monster?” The militant leader asked Manasi. 

Manasi then thought of a good reason to answer.

“We are not clear. But yes, we were sent in reinforcements to bring news of the monster tide." Manasi said sternly.

Manasi then entered the armored bus and the Raccoon Ben started the engine.


They followed the militants to the town square. Manasi kept looking out the window as the bus kept moving. He saw some people entering the town square under the lead of militants. 

Manasi continued to stare at the sky when the dark clouds dispersed and a ray of light showed through. 

The rain finally stopped. He smiled slightly. This should be a good sign. 


Suddenly, Manasi heard the whirling sound of the air being cut.

When they approached the town square, he stared out of the window and saw twenty Combat Helicopte

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