Chapter 245: The Tears And Redemption
Pushing her back into her prison cell like a reluctant pawn being returned to its square on a chessboard, Isabella fell on the prison floor, resembling a fragile autumn leaf descending with a surrender to the inevitable embrace of the cold, hard ground.

No matter how her voice had risen in anger towards her mother in the meeting room, she knew very well that she wanted to read the contents of the letter in the envelope and discover the help Ethan Mark had promised her.

"Would he file for my release?"

"Has he bought me a home as a sign of my forgiveness?"

"Would he take me back as his wife?"

Different questions rushed through her mind like a tumultuous river, each query cascading over the other.

As she held the envelope in her hand, she sat at the corner of her cell and stared at it much more closely.

In this way, she saw that the surface of the envelope bore a faint trace of handling, like a blank canvas marked only by the weight of the untold. She also observed the edges, crisp

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