"Ouch" Nephla shouted as she cut her fingers with the little knife that she was using to peel some apples. She dropped the brown headed piece of metal as she pushed aside the little basket that had the apples to a side. Standing up, she made for her room where she got some piece of clothing that she used to tie the bleeding area. "Won't you treat that?" Her father asked as she was shocked at his sudden appearance. "You have been quite giltery ever since the day Stylx was made King, you have to understand that things have changed and he can't be always available like before anymore, he is no longer your friend Neph but your king, it is our duty now to give him the respect that he deserves" He continued as he brought out a little box that had some ointments and laid it on the tabls beside Nephla. "Soon he will be choosing his queen so for you not to be too heartbroken or disappointed, I think it is better that you start forgetting about him now. Nephla sighed as she opened the box absentmindedly, it took a swift reaction by the father to prevent the pain relieving potion bottle from falling off the table and breaking. Nephla jumped as her father shouted her name, all she could say after staying silent for some minutes was sorry. " The earlier you forget about Stylx, the better it will be for you to move on" her father concluded as he worked out of the small sized room

Stylx sat on the throne in the courtroom as all the Eeries sat round the table and discussed amongst themselves about something, he looked uninterested as his mind was occupied with a lot of thoughts. He knew he missed Colx and Nephla, ever since he became king, he has not been allowed to roam freely around Onyx as he is alwys surrounded by guards most of which never left his side but stuck to him like flies on every move he makes. He strayed into deep thoughts as he didnt he hear when the eldest of the Eeries asked his resolution on a particular issue. "My Lord" the Eerie called again, this time with a more audible voice. Stylx jolted back to awareness and apologised for not paying attention to the deliberation that had been on. He told the council men that the meeting was adjourned for him to have a better time to put himself together and give them his decision. Arising from his throne and stepping out in a manner that showed that all was not well, he left the Eeries murmuring on what could possibly be wrong with their king as this was now become common in their recent meetings. " I think it's high time our king gets himself a queen that will help keep his mind relaxed and enable him make right decisions, we are asking too much from him if we expect him to be like Weoss, just staying here all alone and ruling us adequately, he is still human with flesh and blood, it's only fair and right that he takes a companion that will support him" the Eerie of Coza suggested as the Eeries exited the courtroom. "That's true but how do we convince him to choose a bride knowing how he can be when it comes to issue of women?" The Eerie of Druid asked, "Well I don't think we have much to worry about in convincing him to take a queen because as far as I am concerned he would welcome it eagerly with both hands as this is what has been ating him up.

There was noise in the market that morning as everyone stood and hailed the passing company, it was King Stylx who had decided to make a pass through the ever busy market of Stripes. The women sang as his glamorous entourage of golden coated chariots and adorned horses made their way through the place. Nephla stopped what she buying and scrambled to catch a glimpse of Stylx again, it's been a while now that she saw the brown haired tall lanky fellow. She was able to make her way to the front of the crowd and there he was, looking even thinner than when he wasn't king, properly guarded and looking all moody in his kingship attire and seemed to be looking for something in the market as he continually galnced out of its window and searched intently among the crowd. Is he sick, Nephla thought to herself but the Stylx she knows rarely gets sick. Meanwhile inside the carriage, Stylx is eagerly trying to catch a glimpse of Nephla, he knew that  she comes to this market by this time everyday in order to get fresh vegetabls and fodders for her father's horses. "My Lord, is anything wrong? It seems you are in search of something in this market" the Eerie that was in the carriage with him asked. "Not really, it's just been a while that I have been here and I am just trying to get a better look at the place" Stylx lied as he stopped his weird act of looking out from the window. "Ok my Lord, emmm... there is something that we Eeries have been pondering on concerning your leadership and I think it would be only ideal that I inform you of it now as we journey towards the outskirt of the kingdom" A lot of thoughts ran through Stylx's mind, he knew that since he took over, for some reasons he hasn't been able to make any form of impact but have since be discouraged and felt pressured to make any ruling. "Go ahead" he said trying to maintain the look of superiority. "I think my King needs to get a queen for himself. Stylx stared at him and deep inside wanted to give him a big hug, he had been scared to raise this issue so as not to appear weak to the Eeries afterall he replaced Weoss and was supposed to do all his did hearing this made him quite excited. " I have one in minf already" he replied with a small mischievious smile on his face.

Akich, Nephla father heard carriage horses and came out to meet the royal messenger of King Stylx waiting at his door with a letter. "The king said I should deliver this to you personally and he wants you to give him an answer in the next seven nightfalls" he said with no show of smiles in his stern face. Akich opened the letter after waiting for the messenger to leave and carefully shutting the door, he smiled after reading the content of the letter and went in search of Nephla. In the stable at the back of the farmyard of her father's house, Nephla is having a hard time directing one of the horses to its shelter, it kept pulling away and making loud noises as she pulled on its reins. "You remind me so much of Stylx, why are you so stubborn? Can't you just peaceful walk into your shelter or do you now feel that you are better than the other obedient horses that are there. I won't let you treat yourself so highly just because my father loves you as his favourite or think you are the king of all hi horse, now get into your shelter" She said angrily as she pulled the horse again which made for her and sent her lying to the stack of hay with its right hoof. Nephla had had enough of the stubborn stallion, she drew her sword that was lying by the stable doors and made for the sparkling white coloured beast. "Hey, would you like to be King Stylx's queen?" She heard behind her as she suddenly turned to see her father smiling and fanned himself with a letter, posing like a lady

The courtroom was beautifully decorated as the royal band played songs for those in attendance. "Mother, what is going on? Why are we here?" A little girl asked her mother as they walked towards the courtroom. "Well my darling, our king is picking his queen today, so as good starlights of Onyx, we should be there to give him our support" the chubby woman answered as she arranged carefully the flowers in her basket. "Momma, would I also be a queen when I grow up?" The little girl asked further. "Well my love being a queen isn't all about kingdoms and palaces. It is about the support you can be able to provide to your king in orded to help him suceed in whatever he is doing" the mother answered again. "Ohh I get it now, that means you are father's queen right?" The girl asked showing a wide grin on her face. The mother smiled back at her and nodded  The music in the courtroom stopped, everyone seem to stand as they noticed the procession from the courtroom doors. Even King Stylx who was looking elegantly dressed and had broad smiles on his face stood as he saw the procession line. The bride's father led the processiom with his daughter's hands in his own as they got closer to the throne where King Stylx had started coming down to meet them. The whole hall was silent as everyone could be seen smiling and surprised that their ever stern looking king was excited and happy today. When he got to where they were, the bride's father handed her over to him and made for his seat, King Stylx walked up to where the Eeries were and stood with his bride. "Thank you Nephla" was all he could whisper as the Eeries all stood and asked those in attendance to have theier seats for the next part of the marriage ceremony. "That is our new queen dear" the chubby woman whispered to her daughter as they watched from the galleries of the large sized hall. "Why is she covered mother?" The girl as they took their seats per the instructions of the Eeries. "It shows that she has been untouched by any man till today, another true sign of a great queen" the mother answered as Stylx could be seen removing the veil of his bride

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