In the land of Onyx, Mawyl family were known as the most prominent in the whole kingdom. Eeries and army heads were mostly picked from this lineage as their name spoke volumes not only in Onyx but among the seven nations as well. Everyone was expecting either Nephla, her dad or Colx to be in the nominees for the seat of power but surprisingly their names were not among the top three candidates when the final rounds of selections were announced before the day of the elections, instead a Stylx of no strong origin made the list basking only on the basis of his leading of the starlights to a successful reclaiming of the captured Onyx. This didn't go down too well with some of the elites in Onyx as the mumurings could be heard on practically every spot having one or two influential people's presence. How will be the first mortal king of Onyx be someone of no strong background or having the backing of a legitimate lineage and family name. Even though no open confrontations or face off wer

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