II. Kiishi-kun

Kishimoto Amaya's POV

I saw a student suddenly enter our classroom while we were in the middle of eating while shouting "Prezz !!" It looks like something is bothering him at the same time is the confusion in his face while looking for the person he calls Prezz. Everyone started talking and whispering because of the President thing.

"The Student Council President is in our room?"

"Who the heck is the President?"

"That asshole is in our class?"

It is a taboo word at the school. Widespread rumors about the President of the Student Council are spreading rapidly in the school, so students don't mention the word President because of its bad reputation.

Rumors said that the current President of the Student Council is a wicked person. That he / she just got his / her position because he / she bribed the director of the school. That he / she uses money just to get power. But no one knows who it is or what his / her gender or identity is. They said that he / she made himself / herself hidden s
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