Yin And Yang

Faul carried Phil heading to the camp at a fast pace and the other two were tagging along. The journey was a quiet one, Faul was depressed that his friends would have ended up dead if he was a bit late to the scene. And the others were thinking that maybe Faul was angry with them for being too weak. Because he just carried Phil and left without saying anything.

Faul has never been someone who knows how to express himself except with his sword when he is pissed off.

They snuck into the camp through the back and found out that everyone was fast asleep. Faul laid Phil down at his corner and simply lay down at his corner without saying a thing to the others.

They were worried about what might happen tomorrow if their relationship that has lasted for so long will just break up just like this in one night.

"What were they even doing in the woods by that time?”

" Are they following me?"

Faul has alot on his mind and he couldn't sleep throughout the night. The following morning they wer
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