In the court room where Rashen's hearing was taking place everyone's attention was solely on the Marshall. He took out the case files that had been presented to him,

"I am going to ask you a series of questions that you can either answer with a 'Yes' or a 'No' unless you are asked to explain further, understood?"


The Marshall began,

"The accused was reported to have attended an unofficial get together for the graduating cadets that took place after the graduation ceremony,do you deny this?" The Marshall asked,

"No." Replied Rashen,

"The accused was reported to have left the get together with the victims before the alloted time,do you deny this?"


"The reason for this is because of an altercation between the accused and another cadet,do you deny this?"

"Yes." Rashen said much to the slight unease of those seated, especially Squad Commander Malloy. The Marshall's face creased as he went through the file again,

"You deny that you had an altercation with one Imperial Cadet B

For context, in Ephyre,Marshall is pretty much like the military prosecutor appointed by the Chief of Imperial Affairs.

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