Consequences for Aurellie's actions

Aurellie entered her residence who was led by Carlos followed by Abigail without a fight. Inside the house stood Agler and his wife. Aurellie bit her inner lip. He realized that he had disappointed his parents. Aurellie knew he would get the consequences of his actions. But compared to herself, she was more concerned about Abigail. He felt Abigail had to be saved from this incident as an innocent victim.

“Dad, I admit everything except the Abigail thing. Really! I forced Abigail to be quiet. I even threatened Abigail with the secret she has.” Aurellie made a sound looking at her parents.

Agler rubbed his face roughly. He was clearly disappointed with Aurellie. "Enough!" he said to Aurelie for the first time. He had never been so mad at Aurelie before. His breath hunted. Aurellie immediately shrank his guts. He had never gotten a look like that from his father.

“Aurellie, are you aware of what you are doing?” asked Jesselyn also voiced. The two of them didn't snap at Aurellie, there wa
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