Chapter 111 Terms

"Grinch, do you recall that incident when we witnessed a chef being harassed right before our eyes? We were in our car when we observed a large man being pursued by a black van," Newton inquired, engaging in conversation with Grinch, who sat across from him at the table, casually sipping from his juice box.

Grinch paused, taking a moment to reflect before responding, "I'm struggling to recollect the exact event. Why do you bring it up?"

Shaking his head, Newton clarified, "Remember that occasion when we were returning from a job, and we came across a frightened man being chased by a black van? The pursuit continued until he was eventually captured and forced into the van."

Grinch's recollection sparked, and he mimicked a gesture with his fingers, indicating his newfound memory. "Oh, yes! Now I remember. It was indeed the Bagwells responsible for it, given their distinct special forces uniforms."

Newton's eyes lit up as the pieces fell into place. "Exactly! Remember how Sophia mentione
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