
Sometimes before.

Dante had just woken up after voluntarily entering the portal that connected him to the world of nowhere called Niflheim. He would participate in Game of the Destiny there.

Dante ran from a pack of three-headed ferocious wolves who looked very hungry. Unfortunately for him, of course, it was the first time he had seen an animal in Cerberus form like that.

Dante began to run out of breath, he could not run well in the very thick snow on the land.

Dante was cornered, now that a pack of strange wolves had surrounded him, the man really couldn't move anymore.

The leader of the Cerberus herd let out a loud howl, his voice as if it could burst eardrums. The herd of beasts attacked in unison. Dante panicked, he thought it was a very silly ending for him. As the representative of the human race, should he die just from being devoured by wolves?

A magic circle formed automatically between the man's legs, just before the wolf was about to pounce on him, a beam of fire shot out from the magic circle, creating a very hot and smoldering wall of fire.

Dante was very surprised by that. He knew it was a power he had, but he couldn't control it.

It was no ordinary fire, it was a blackish red flame that was many times hotter than ordinary fire. One of the wolves hit by the fire immediately howled in pain, the wolf tried to extinguish the fire that hit its front paws by burying it in the snow. But instead of being extinguished, the fire grew bigger and soon spread and began to burn the entire body of the wolf very quickly. It seemed that the fire had a passive effect that was immune to cold and snow.

The other wolves immediately retreated, they no longer showed their ferocious attitude. The leader of the three-headed wolves began to bend his front legs, he looked submissive and afraid of Dante.

The magic circle at Dante's feet just disappeared, the panic has now subsided making him unconsciously stop the magic defense he made.

From a distance, Dante can see a group of soldiers on horses, behind which is a magnificent chariot drawn by two horses at once.

Dante squinted at the leader of the three-headed wolf pack, he wanted the herd to leave immediately. Unexpectedly it seems that the leader of the pack of wolves understood what Dante wanted, he howled loudly as if ordering his pack to leave that place.

The cavalry group immediately stopped right in front of Dante. One of the horsemen immediately dismounted and opened the door of the majestic carriage.

"We have been waiting for your arrival Prince!" said the driver, as he ushered Dante in.

As George said, Dante would soon be welcomed by the soldiers of the kingdom of the human race in the land.

Dante lowered his head, and he happily entered the majestic carriage, at least he didn't have to look for the existence of the human race kingdom he had to lead in the game. After all, if he hung around in the cold for too long like that, he could freeze to death.

"Nice to meet you prince!" said a well-built man who had been on the train first. He is Gustave, a captain who leads a troop unit in the human race kingdom.

"Introducing, I am Gustave, the Captain in charge of every troop unit in the kingdom!" the man bowed slightly to Dante.

The atmosphere was very awkward at that time, Dante didn't know how to respond to the man.

"Can you straighten your body!" said Dante. The man felt uncomfortable.

"With all due respect Prince!" Gustave answered, now he straightened himself again.

Gustave reached for his pocket watch which looked very ancient. He said that a welcoming ceremony would take place soon. Wasting no time, Gustave immediately ordered his men to bring them back to the palace.


The residents and soldiers of the human race kingdom seemed to have prepared a welcoming ceremony to welcome Dante's arrival. The king had even prepared his best attire just to welcome the man who was the representative of mankind from his original world.

Not long after, the troops that had picked up Dante finally arrived at the royal gates. The residents and royal officials immediately gathered in the palace square, while the king seemed to have descended from his throne.

"They have arrived, sir!" reported a soldier in charge of overseeing the gate.

"Good. Get ready for the welcoming ceremony. We have to welcome and prove that person's worthiness as the prince of fire this time!" the king orders.

Instead of preparing a festive welcome party, the troops immediately prepared some arrows that they pointed at the palace gates. While Dante who was outside the palace did not know the plan. They will attack Dante suddenly. They needed to prove whether the person who would lead them in Game of the Destiny this time was worthy.

Gustave motioned for Dante to get off the train they were in. With all due respect, he asked Dante to immediately enter the royal gate alone. Of course, Dante was surprised by that, but he had no other choice but to obey.

"Enter the palace. Master and other higher-ups are waiting for you!" said Gustave respectfully.

Reluctantly Dante could only fulfill that request. He walked slowly towards the gate. There was no need to touch it, the palace gate suddenly opened by itself.

How surprised Dante was to find some arrows had been thrown at him.

Dante reflexively raised one of his hands in the air, before the arrow could approach, a magic circle shot out from his palm. A burst of fire swept away all the arrows, burning them to the ground.

The king gave Dante a standing ovation. The man had passed the first test given by the old man.

The king immediately ordered one of his trusted soldiers to give Dante a royal robe.

"Welcome Prince!" said the king. Meanwhile, his trusted soldier immediately gave the robe he was carrying to Dante.

Dante was very annoyed, how could they greet him with such an arrow attack?

"No offense prince, it's just proof!" said the king. The man knew that Dante was angry.

"Bring that thing over here!" the king orders.

A middle-aged man walked over, he brought a sword to give to Dante.

The middle-aged man who was the king's advisor immediately knelt right in front of Dante. He raised the sword with both hands towards Dante.

Not what Dante thought. Not a fancy sword of good quality. On the contrary, the sword looks very old and rusty, and some parts also appear to be cracked.

"Take that thing!" said the king.

Dante was starting to feel very annoyed like he was being toyed with by the king.

But again Dante had no other choice, he could only do what the king wanted at the time.

Dante grabbed the sword with his left hand. Suddenly something crazy happened. The sword started to ignite, a burning feeling was even felt in Dante's palm. Dante raised the sword into the air, like a miracle. The worn and rusty-looking sword looked like it was repairing itself. The sword seemed to rob some of the energy from Dante's body.

An incomparably bright light enveloped the sword, all eyes closed due to the radiance.

A wave of light was released and disappeared in an instant. The waves of light were even felt throughout the land. Now the sword looks very beautiful.

The king, higher-ups, citizens, and all the soldiers who were there seemed to be cheering by shouting his name.

"Prince of fire..."

"Prince of fire..."

"Prince of fire..."

The whole kingdom screamed.

"There's no mistaking it, you are the prince of fire!" said the king, the old man bowed, followed by equal treatment by every individual in the kingdom.

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