"You have no idea what the shit happened yesterday."

       He had been talking. Like since forever. He had no reason he shouldn't. He was very annoyed. His rage could trace sanity across the bark of his consciousness. He was very vexed. His instinct had been smothered. He tried as much as possible not to make himself sad, but that was all to no avail. He tried to keep his head cool but he was but pawn to his felon feelings. He actually wasn't going to fight that feeling. He needn't fight it. He was going to keep nursing it. That was the best thing to do at that moment and he was already on it.

      He felt betrayed. Who wouldn't? The Nymph who had raped him, lived under his own roof, even if twas borrowed, it was none of her goddamn business?. Why would such Nymph take side with Ja Lia of all people. He didn't want to think about it, but he couldn't help the urg

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