The road towards the Bottom-trodden was rocky. Unlike the paved roads of the capital, the road headed to the lower towns were rocky and unpaved. Ghwyr recalled how bumpy the road was when he first left for Gahayam. It made him nauseous and sick that he painted the road with his vomit.

But that was three years ago. Evidently, things had been different now that he has traveled on carts for multiple occasions, this shouldn’t be as bad as the last.

They descended into the slopes, slowly climbing down from the proud kingdom situated above a flattened mountain. The cartman said it would take them half a day to reach their destination. He was lucky enough to ride the last trip to Bottom-trodden or he would’ve waited the next morning before he could go there.

He sat there silently along with some other people as they passed by northern villages located at the side of the leveled mountain. The villages had a different vibe to themselves compared to the capital. It was serene and calm just like
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