Girl Mob

The situation had boomed into a massive explosion back at the den in Crescent. Half naked girls took over the entire rows of ember lighted passages that led away from the hell they have endured for most if not the entirety of their adolescent lives. If no one stopped them as quick as possible, they would soon take over the entire streets of fire.

The strong men could not stop them. Street trained, heavily posed and hefty men but unready for this one task at hand. The men whom Swiss and his first rank men had left behind in care of the den were not a bit capable when it came to holding down the ferociousness of this feminine mob. The girls were unstoppable in all ways even as they were being shot down with bullet fire, ready to lose everything for the exchange of their freedom.

And through each wall they broke past, in yells and screams, echoing a popular chant into the air. For so long they have been used as sex slaves, with very little to gain from it. For so long, they have had thei
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