
Hermes swiped open the document. It was boldly written in the first page. "The Ones Who Destroyed Caveliona"

"What is this one?" Dengerberd stuttered and Hermes ignored.

Below the heading was another writing, saying. "I write their names out today, so my secret does not die with me. These are the evil people that brought destruction and death to hundreds of thousands of lives all because of riches and gold".

"Gold..." Hermes repeated within himself, stunned by the writing before him.

"The truth behind the bombings, the killings and the destruction of several lives in the old city of Caveliona. Be prepared to know, be prepared to die".

"There is no time to read all this, remember we gotta get out of here?" Dengerberd whispered into his ears, sneaking up beside him.

That did not stop Hermes from opening the document one page further. There on the new page, at the top part of the long paper was a long list of names.

The first name was Andre with no last name, boldly written above all of
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