The Storm I

The party was bustling and noisy, Cian wasn't used to this sort of place, he sat by the counter and order and ordered water, someone took a seat beside him, he thought that it was Karin but shockingly it was Shannon.

'Get me a booze' Shannon ordered

'There are no booze' The man behind counter said

'Just give me anything with alcohol' Shannon said 'Don't worry I'm a vampire I won't get drunk' Shannon added when the man behind the counter gave a weird look.

'Do you have any illness that's making you drink water in a party' Shannon asked Cian

'I don't drink alcohol' Cian said coldly

'You are really a sickler' Shannon said as a glass cup filled with liquor was placed in front of her.

'I heard you grew up here in the central, how was it then?' Shannon asked

'I didn't grow up here, I'm the legendary lost twin brother' Cian said in sarcasm trying not to get annoyed

'Sorry, I can't differentiate, you guys are identical' Shannon said and drank her liquor in one go and gestured for a refill
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