A lil bit of what the hell!

Liana and Richard's relationship had been tumultuous for the past few months, teetering on the edge of divorce. The tension between them often revolved around financial issues, with insults flying back and forth like verbal daggers.

Despite Liana's determination to end the marriage, there lingered a strange sense of longing beneath the surface. Somehow she wanted Richard that night hence she went in for the kiss to which he was somewhat waiting although she could sense he pulled back for a minute when she initiated the kiss.

Three to four months of distance and disagreement, murder attempt, hurt, pain, difficulty and whatnot retained Liana feeling exhausted and emotionally drained. Yet, amidst the turmoil, there remained a flicker of unresolved desire for Richard. Despite her efforts to push him away, she couldn't shake the memories of their shared intimacy.

On this particular night, as Liana found herself alone in the dimly lit room, where he had somewhat been looking for whate
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