25. The Plan Failed... or did it?

I take off running.

I hear their boots hitting the ground as they follow after me.

“Spix, open map” I say and a small map opens up at my side. The red dot is still there and beaming, pointing me in the direction of Inara's pit.

A spear of ice swooshes past me and lodges itself inside a tree. Panting, I don't take my eyes off the red dot as I run like my life depends on it, because it does. I jump over a fallen tree and slide under another. The earth splits beneath me and I land on my back.

“Give me the gem, boy” Cane growls.

I get on my feet and throw a weak energy ball at him. It lands at his feet and he stares down in confusion.

I spent all my energy on that punch. There is only little left until I am rendered useless and I have to use Ayra's system. I just hope it won't come to that. The after effects of the host system is not a pleasant experience.

“ARGH!” Cane exclaims as I kick sand in his eyes. “I'll kill you!” I hear him yell as I take off in a differ
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