123: The One Grave Mistake

After calming down a bit, I looked down to the dining area from the stairs. The old hag was sitting there waiting for someone. And I knew that someone was me.

“Hayami, you go wait for a little longer.”

“Hmm. Okay~” Although, she seemed reluctant after I gave her a kiss, she went back to the room. After hearing the click of the door locking, I made my way downstairs and sat in an empty chair facing the old hag.

“Why are you here?” I asked.

“We heard from Aina's parents that she had run away from home and would like our help to search for her. That’s why I am here.”

So I was right that she had run away from home without telling anyone.

“But, why are you here? How did you know Aina would be here?” Did she know beforehand that the only place Aina will head to after running from her home under the current circumstances will be my house? I could think of the old hag arriving to that conclusion. She was quick-witted after all.

“No. We just followed her path.” She continued. “We checked the C
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