Elijah and Dwine went to the man's room by Carmen's order. Elijah's mother said that she wants to talk with the King alone, so everyone leave the area where the two are going to talk.

"Your pack is even more messy compared to my life." Elijah said to Dwine when they finally reached the room.

"I honestly don't know anything about it, until now." Dwine helped her to sit and also take a seat in front of her.

The man is now looking at her with too many questions in his eyes but he didn't open his mouth to talk. He just staring at her like he's reading her mind. After a while, Dwine let out a sigh and slowly grab her hands that is on her lap.

"Babe, can you also do that to me?" His voice sounds tired when Dwine asked Elijah.

"Do what?"

"The thing that you did to my father to remember his past life." Dwine answered.

Elijah gulps several times and think. If she helps Dwine to remember his past life, he will fell mad and maybe forever be mad to his own father who was
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